Advanced settings for sending documents by email
Our application now allows you even more to customize your business with the advanced settings function when sending documents by e-mail (A) and using your own e-mail server to send invoices (B).
A. From and subject fields customization
Step 1 is to access ‘Configurations’, then ‘White label’ from the left-sided menu.

Here you can set the sender name and the subject prefix when sending a document by e-mail. For example, if you set COMPANY_NAME, this will be replaced with your company name.
B. Use your own email server to send invoices
Do not make any settings before reading carefully the text in the image below. You will find it before the list of settings.

To use your own email server for sending invoices, you must first check the box marked with an arrow and fill in the fields below, regarding your email address and the SMTP server.
Is mandatory to fill in the fields marked with *

After filling in save it and immediately will appear the following text to simplify SMTP server and address testing:

You can also set the application signature, like in the image below:

And naming scheme for document files names:

Keep up the good work!