Billing Guide

1. How to register
To register your company, all you have to do is fill out the application form with its details. Once this step is completed, you will receive an email to activate your account. Once the account is confirmed, it becomes active and you can issue invoices, proforma, notices and receipts.
Mandatory information:
Company name;
Company Number/ID;
account name (used for sign in);
primary user data (first name , last name , username, password, email);
contact details of the company (address, phone number).
2. About invoices
Invoices are generated as PDF files that can be downloaded, printed or emailed. PDF files can be viewed with Adobe Reader . To generate invoices you must first define a numbering sequence. Details about:
2.a Edit your invoice
You can edit an invoice in two easy steps.
1. Choose the client you are invoicing
2. Add the invoice details (date, numbering sequence, number, information from the notice) and the products / services delivered ('lines').
You can also define the currency, due date, penalties and annotations and explanations that
will be displayed under the table of products / services.
When adding a new line to your invoice, you can choose one of the already defined products (see details about products ). Alternatively, you can insert a blank line and enter all the data manually. When you are adding an already defined product, all the related data will be copied on the invoice. You are free to modify this data on your invoice, without affecting the data of the predefined product. Keep in mind that you can issue invoices without having predefined products.
For VAT paying companies, prices will be entered without VAT and the VAT rate will be indicated. Non-VAT companies will issue VAT-free invoices.
2.b Invoice states
Each invoice has a certain state which defines the phase of editing. This information will help you to better manage your bills.
Draft: This is the initial state of an invoice. In this state the invoice can be modified.
Issued: After you verify that the data you inserted is correct, you can issue your invoice. Issued invoices can be printed or sent by email.
Closed: Once the invoice has been paid, you can close the invoice.
You can always modify the state of your invoices.
If you don’t close paid invoices, once they become overdue, the customer will receive a late payment notification message (if you have automatic reminders set up).
2.c How to search an invoice
Invoices can be searched by a complete set of parameters:
Invoice state
Payment state
Invoice date
Payment date
Due date
Invoice numbering sequence
Invoice number
The search results can be filtered by customer, numbering sequence, currency and author. The invoices found can then be downloaded as: as Excel, as ZIP archive, as PDF, as JSON and as XML. You can also download a single PDF file that contains all the invoices.
2.d How to record payments and receipts
You can record several payments or receipts for each invoice. It’s easy to keep track of outstanding payments, by recording the payments and receipts. Both partial and full payments can be recorded. Invoices can be automatically closed when they are paid in full. Find out more about receipts here .
2.e How to set default values for invoices
You can define default values, which will apply to all your invoices, for the following fields:
VAT (percent)
Payment deadline
3. About proforma invoices
Creating and editing proforma invoices is very similar to the process used for normal invoices. The only difference is that the due date (on invoices) is replaced by the expiration date (proforma invoices). An invoice can be generated automatically from a proforma invoice. Read more about processing and copying invoices here .
4. About notices
Creating and editing notices is very similar to the process used for invoices.
There are only two notable differences when creating notices:
1. There are no VAT related information
2. The delegate you mention on it has to be an employee of the company or one of the
5. About receipts
When you receive cash payments you can generate a receipt. You can create and edit them in a similar way you edit all the other types of documents. The amount on the receipts is added to the rest of the registered payments, resulting in the full payment of each invoice.
6. About numbering sequences
Each document (invoice, proforma, notice, receipt) is identified by a number. There cannot be more documents with the same number (verification is done automatically). A numbering sequence is formed from a prefix, a start number, a separator and, optional, a suffix. The document number is generated automatically. When a document is deleted, the number becomes available again.
To add a numbering sequence, go to the section "Configurations", and, select from the submenu Numbering Sequence.
For example, for invoices, click on the button Add new invoice numbering sequence, and set:
Prefix (optional)
Suffix (optional)
Start number
Use the same procedure for proforma invoices, receipts and notices.
You can edit and delete numbers that are not assigned to a document. Delete or edit a number using the buttons on the right side of the number. You also might find useful the button which helps you identify discontinuities (gaps) in the numbering sequence.
In the same window you will find a quick search feature for numbering sequences (in the top right).
CAREFUL! A number can no longer be modified or deleted if it has been assigned to a document.
6.a Creating a numbering sequence for your documents - Sample
prefix: 202000A start: 1 separator: - suffix: IP
The invoices will have the following number: 202000A-1-IP , 202000A-2-IP , 202000A-3-IP ...
7. How to copy and convert documents
There are cases in which you need to issue several similar invoices or cases in which you want to generate invoices based on proformas or notices. We made it easy for you! You don’t need to re-enter data manually, you can use our convert and copy functions.
7.a How to generate invoices from proforma and notices
For all issued proforma invoices and notices, you will see a "Generate invoice" button on the right side of the invoice view page. After clicking it you can save and issue the new invoice.
In a similar way, you can create proforma invoices from notices, invoice notices and proforma invoices.
7.b How to copy invoices
On the invoice view page you will see a "Copy" button in the left-side menu. Clicking that button will copy the invoice and open it as a new invoice. You can now make the necessary changes, save it and issue it. Copy functions are available for: invoices, proforma invoices, notices and receipts.
8. Products
If you want to be able to create documents fast, we recommend you make a list of the products/services of your company.
You can then add them to your documents by a simple “click”.
The information necessary for a product/service is:
Code/Number - this is the code used by your company. It doesn't appear on the invoice, but it helps you manage your products/services
Unit of measurement
Standard quantity
Products can be edited or deleted anytime.
You can import products from external apps (ex. Excel).
9. Clients
Clients/Customers can be both legal and natural persons.
The information of a client is:
VAT indicator and Company Registration Number
Address (street, city, state, postal code, country)
Contact data (phone, fax, email, site)
You can enter multiple contact persons for each client.
When you chose to send an invoice by email, the email address of the company and the defined contact persons will be used by default.
10. Recurrent billing
Recurrent billing is used to periodically issue invoices to your clients. You can define any number of flows for recurrent billing and associate them to any of your clients.
Recurrents are very useful in the following cases:
Monthly bills (rents, internet, cable etc.)
hosting or maintenance bills
billing for support services, consultancy - billed monthly / quarterly or annually
other services on a regular basis
10.a How to create an automatic billing flow
Navigate to the "Recurrent Billing" section and click on the "Add a new flow" button.
Fill out the form to create the flow.
Here are some explanations of the most important fields:
Invoicing period: The interval at which invoices will be issued (in months).
For example: if you enter 1 the recurrent invoices will be issued monthly, if you enter 6 the recurrent invoices will be issued every six months (twice a year).
Invoicing type: This represents the time when the invoice will be issued in relation to when the services are provided.
This can be:
Anticipated - invoice is issued before the services are provided
Current – invoice is issued during the period when the services are provided
Subsequently – invoice is issued after the services were provided
For example: You have to collect rent on a monthly basis
If you want the invoice to be issued automatically before the period for which you are billing the rent - select Anticipated.
Issuing date: This represents the day of the month in which the recurrent invoices will be issued.
If you set the issuing date on the 15th of the month (anticipated invoicing type) and you run the recurrent billing flow before the 15th, no invoice will be generated for the next month. Make sure you run the flow on the 15th or after this date.
Numbering sequence prefix: This is the prefix that will be used in the generating of the recurrent invoices. Careful! You must enter a prefix of a numbering sequence for invoices.
You will see a list of all available numbering sequences if you hover your mouse over the help icon.
Penalties: You can select this option if you want the penalties from previous invoices to appear on the automatically generated invoice.
The penalties will be calculated based on the payments and the states of the previous invoices of the same customer.
Previous balance: Select this option if you want the automatically generated invoice to contain information about previous balance, payment status and total payment.
The previous balance, the payment status and the total payment will be calculated automatically based on the payments and the status of the previous invoices of the same customer.
After filling out the form you will need to define the invoice template to be used in the recurrent billing flow.
This template will be used to generate invoices for the clients assigned to the flow. The numbering sequence defined in the previous steps will be used.
The invoice template is filled out as a normal invoice with the following exceptions:
You can directly select the currency
You can select the language of the invoices
In the fields "Name" and "Annotations" you can use the following strings that will be automatically replaced by their corresponding values:
BEGIN_OF_PERIOD - the beginning of the billing period
END_OF_PERIOD - end of billing period
EXCHANGE_RATE - exchange rate for invoices with a foreign currency
CONTRACT - contract number and date - defined for each client assigned to the flow
If you want the penalties and balance information to be calculated automatically and included in the invoices, you must enter the due date and the late payment penalties per day.
After saving the recurrent billing flow you can start assigning clients to it.
10.b How to add clients to an automatic billing flow
After creating an automatic billing flow, the next step is to assign clients to it.
Enter the section Recurrent billing and select a flow.
Here are some explanations of the most important fields:
Issuing date: This represents the day of the month in which the recurrent invoices will be issued.
If you do not select a day, it will automatically set the issuing day of the recurrent billing flow.
This feature can be useful if you want a flow to generate invoices for different customers on different days of the month.
Start date: This represents the month in which the first invoice will be issued to the subscriber (customer).
Careful! The date entered here must be the first day of the month.
End date: This represents the date when you want to stop issuing regular invoices for the customer.
Invoiced up to: Here you can manually change the date the customer was billed on. This date is automatically updated each time a recurrent invoice is issued.
Click ”Save”. The new subscriber has been assigned to the recurrent billing flow.
10.c Running the recurrent billing flow
You created a recurrent billing flow and you assigned subscribers (customers) to it. The next step is to run it. During this process the flow will analyze all subscribers and will generate invoices for each subscriber.
To run a flow, select the one you want to run you have to go by itself and click on it.
"Run the flow".
The flow will now go through the following steps:
Specifying of the exchange rate (if the flow uses a foreign currency).
In this step you will see a list with all invoices generated by the flow. You can now select the invoices that you want to issue.
If one or more of the invoices contains penalties, you will be notified about the amount of penalties and you can decide whether to include it in the invoice or not.
All invoices selected in the previous step will be generated and the list of created invoices will appear on the screen.
11. Template documents (e.g. contracts)
This feature is used to automate the generation of template documents for your customers. You can define any template document templates.
The template document template contains markers that can be replaced with customer data and other values that will be entered when creating a template document for a client.
11.a Adding a template document template
The template document template is a word, rtf, or OpenOffice document that contains the text of the template document. Markers can be used within the text of the document. The markers must be of the form ### XYZ_123 ### they will contain only uppercase letters, numbers and delimitation characters: '_', '-'.
When creating a template document template, you must enter a name and the source file which contains the text of the template document, in one of the following file formats: .doc, .docx, .rtf, .odt . Optionally, you can add a description.
When saved, the source document is analyzed, and the markers are extracted. Now you can enter default values for these fields. However, this step is optional.
11.b Generating a template document
Select the "Add template document" action and fill out the form as follows:
the client for which you want to create the template document
Template document number (or name) - to be replaced in ### DOCUMENT_NUMBER ### (or ### CONTRACT_NUMBER ###)
Date of template document - to be replaced in ###DOCUMENT_DATE (or ###CONTRACT_DATE###)
When you have chosen a template document template and a client, the fields that you need to fill will appear at the bottom of the form. These fields are generated by the markers in the template document template.
These fields will be AUTOMATICALLY COMPLETED with client data:
The fields ###DOCUMENT_NUMBER### (or ###CONTRACT_NUMBER###) and ###DOCUMENT_DATE### (or ###CONTRACT_DATE###) will be automatically replaced
with the corresponding values entered at the top of the form.
After saving your template document you can download it in one of the following formats:
doc (MS Word)
odt (OpenOffice/LibreOffice Writer)
pdf (Adobe Reader)
rtf (Rich Text File)
txt (Text)
12. Information about my company
12.a Your fiscal data and contact data
The fiscal data, referring to:
Com. Reg. No.
EUID European Unique Identifier
Share capital
In this section you have the option to select 'VAT payer' and 'VAT payment at checkout', depending on the situation of your company. If you're not sure about your situation regarding VAT payment, consult your accountant.
Fill out your data with the following information:
Postal code
Fields marked with * are mandatory.
12.b Your Bank accounts
You can define the bank accounts of your company. These will appear on invoices depending on your selection - you can select one, more or all the added bank accounts.
You can make your selection when the invoice is in Editing state. The system will remember your option for the next invoices. If you have added a bank account to your data after the creation of an invoice, re-open it and you'll find the account in the lower-right corner of the page. Check the box next to it.
12.c Your Logo
An important part of branding is the logo. You can add it to your documents by navigating to 'Company profile', then 'Logo'. We recommend using a logo with a width of at least 400px. After saving, the logo will appear on all the documents issued by you. You can delete it at any time or replace it with another.
12.d Branch offices
If you have more than one office location, you have the option to choose which one will appear on your document. You can add them in 'Company profile', 'Office Branches', by filling in the data:
* Name
* Address
* County / Region
* City
Postal code
Save your info and if you want to add another workspace, click on the 'Add office branch' button. When creating/editing an invoice you can select one of your locations.
You can restrict branch offices for users, except those with administrator rights.
The 'Limit the access to this branch office' settings are visible only if the permissions system is active.
The selected users will have the right to select the branch office when editing documents. If a user without administrator rights has no branch office assigned, then the branch offices selector will no longer be visible when editing documents.
Fields marked with * are mandatory.
12.e Your subscription
From the 'Subscription you can manage your subscription and contract.
Specifically, if you have not created a membership agreement yet, you can do so from this section. If you have already generated a contract and have a paid subscription, you can change (subscription type, payment range) or you can update the contract (e.g. your company name has changed).
You can also export data, delete or close your account. The account deletion is irrevocable and after deletion the data will no longer be recoverable. We recommend closing and not deleting the account. This way your data will still be available if you reactivate the account.
13. Templates
For each type of document, you can choose a template that defines the graphic aspect of the generated invoice.
An image with the company logo can be uploaded. It will be positioned on the document according to the template.
14. Messages
You can define different standard messages that will be sent to customers via email with the invoice, when the payment is late or when a payment is registered.
15. How to add project
In order to be able to enter hours into the timekeeping system, you must create a project.
Enter the section “Projects”, and then click the button "Add project", complete the form and choose:
users who can enter work logs
price per hour
currency in which you want to bill
language in which you want to bill
project description, for example: ”Maintenance of IT client systems”.
You can also add explanations that will appear on the invoice.
Once you have added the project, you can proceed to the next phase, namely the actual work-logs.
16. How to add a work log
Enter the section Work logs, Here you add the date, time (in hours and minutes), the person doing the work, the project and the description.
Click on Add work log, and then you can bill the hours worked.
17. Issue an invoice based on work logs
After creating a project and adding work-logs to it, you can now issue an invoice based on those work-logs.
From section Work Logs click on Issue the invoice, where you select:
detailed or summarized view
After selecting these details, you can choose to issue the final invoice or proforma.
Click on Issue the invoice, then you can complete the invoice number and the due date, the rest of the data will be filled in automatically.
18. About users and user rights
Depending on your subscription type, you can add a certain number of users. Each user will have access to the company account with full rights. You have an unlimited number of employees you can add.
The difference between the two types of accounts is that users can authenticate on and, consequently, use the service. The data required for adding a user / employee are:
first and last name;
username (required for log in);
password (just for users).
Once a user has issued documents, they can no longer be deleted. In this case, he will be transformed into an employee by withdrawing his password used for authentication.
19. About the permissions system
The system is only available for Standard, Business and Premium subscriptions.
By default, the system is disabled to ensure the application runs smoothly. Each user has administrator rights and if you want to limit the access of some users to certain resources, you can activate the permissions system.
Access the section “Company profile”, followed by “Users and rights”. Once the permissions system is activated, you can withdraw the administrator rights for the users you want to restrict access to.
You can also limit access to individual documents. Above the document save field, you will notice the box "Limit access". You will access a list of users who can be withdrawn or given control rights of the document, by checking the desired option.
Good to know: The rights of the administrator or the issuer of a document cannot be revoked!
19.a Activate permissions system
To activate the permissions system, navigate to "Company profile" (top right), followed by "Users and rights". After activating the permissions system, all users of the account will receive administrator status. In the Users / Rights table an additional column will appear indicating whether a user is an administrator.
To fully benefit from this feature, remove the administrator rights for the users who should have restricted access, leaving as administrators only users who will have access to all resources (documents, settings, configurations, decisions etc.)
Once you've activated the permissions system and downgraded some of your users, you can limit access to a document, a numbering sequence of documents or a branch office. Limiting access to a document is done by checking the "Limit access" box, which is above the button saving a document. A list of users with permissions on the document will be displayed and you can select your option.
The rights to a document can never be revoked to an administrator or the issuer of that document!
A similar mechanism is available for document numbering sequences. A user who does not have access to a numbering sequence will not be able to add a document in that numbering sequence. This limitation can be useful when you each office branch has its own number sequence and you want to restrict access according to this criteria.
20. How to set automated email backup
To receive an email backup of your data, navigate to "Configurations" and select "Backup".
By checking the box to the right of the text "Send backup by email", you will enable the backup option.
The next step is to enter the email address where you will receive the backup, as well as the backup interval, which can be:
Weekly (every Monday for the previous week)
Monthly (on the first day of the month for the previous month)
Find out more about each field by hovering with your mouse over the "I" button.
Now click Save or Cancel, in case you have changed your mind.
21. Default values
Use default values for easier and faster billing. Navigate to “Settings” and chose options "Default values" from the submenu.
Here you can set Default values for invoicing, for instance:
Currency (default EUR)
VAT RATE (percent) by default for companies paying VAT
Exchange rate
Daily penalties for late payments in percentages (for new invoices or proformas issued)
Penalties in percentages per day (for invoices where you want to use this option)
By clicking the box below, you will select the option to add the product code to the invoice / proforma / notice.
21.a How to add default values for the notes field
You can also set default values for explanations / notes, which will be added to all documents created (invoices, proforma invoices, receipts, notices). They will appear on the document, below to the product / service table.
Here you can enter detailed information about rules of penalties, reasons for the VAT exemption, references to contracts, laws, etc.
You can use the following markers to automatically add information to the Notes field.
QTY_TOTAL will be replaced by total quantity of products / services
LINES_COUNT will be replaced by number of lines on the document
USER_FIRST_NAME will be replaced by name of the user issuing the document
USER_LAST_NAME will be replaced by the surname of the user issuing the document
TOTAL_AMOUNT and DOCUMENT_TOTAL will be replaced by total amount
EXCHANGE_RATE will be replaced by exchange rate for this document
CURRENCY will be replaced by this documents currency
The default language is English, but you can set Default explanations/notes to be in Romanian, Spanish, Italian, French, German or Hungarian.
The last step is to save the desired settings. You can edit these values anytime.
22. How to use document templates
You can choose a design template, for each type of document, or create one.
The default template is the classic one. You can change the default template for each document type.
To make changes to the default template, navigate to "Settings", and select "Templates" from the submenu.
Here you can edit and select a template for each type of document, respectively:
Proforma invoices
Depending on the type of document, you can opt for one of the several different templates, according to your needs:
if you have many products on one invoice, if you want the invoice in a smaller format, if you want to print more copies on the same page, or if you want the invoice and receipt on the same page.
There is also a quick search button, on the top right, for quickly finding the best template.
CAREFUL! The size of the font has an impact on the format of the invoice. We recommend using a smaller font size if you want to fit all the content on one page.
No further saving is required, just select the desired template with a single click.
23. How to configure notifications
You can define different standard messages that will be sent to customers via email with the invoice. You can use this feature to notify a client that the invoice has been issued, to prevent late payments or when registering a receipt.
23.a Configure notifications for overdue invoices
Due invoices can be sent automatically to customers by e-mail. You will receive an email with the list of invoices sent.
Navigate to "Notification settings" check the box "Enable automatic notification", then set the necessary information. For example, "Send invoices every ... days before due date" fill in at what interval, after the due date, the invoice will be resent "And then once every ... days."
Check the box "Enable link insertion in emails" to add a secure payment and document viewing link to the e-mail. Your client will be able to view it and Download it in PDF format. If the online billing feature is enabled, the link will also contain the online payment button.
After filling out your settings, don’t forget to save Save them.
23.b Configure notifications for document sending
Your customer will receive this message when you send a document (invoice, proforma, receipt, notice) via e-mail.
Navigate to "Notification settings" to customize this message.
Use the following markers which will be automatically replaced with their corresponding values:
INVOICE_DATE will be replaced by invoice date
INVOICE_NUMBER will be replaced by invoice number
TOTAL_AMOUNT and DOCUMENT_TOTAL will be replaced by total amount
COMPANY_NAME will be replaced by your company name
USER_NAME will be replaced by your name
RECEIPT_DATE will be replaced by receipt date
RECEIPT_NUMBER will be replaced by receipt number
NOTICE_DATE will be replaced by notice date
NOTICE_NUMBER will be replaced by notice number
ORDER_DATE will be replaced by order date
ORDER_NUMBER will be replaced by order number
DOCUMENT_TITLE will be replaced by document title (available only for orders)
The default language is english, but you can set the message to be in Romanian, Spanish, Italian, French, German or Hungarian.
Don’t forget to save save your settings.
23.c Configure message for payment confirmation
This is the message sent to the customer after they make a payment.
Navigate to "Notification settings". to customize this message.
Use the following markers which will be automatically replaced with their corresponding values:
INVOICE_DATE will be replaced by invoice date
INVOICE_NUMBER will be replaced by invoice number
TOTAL_AMOUNT and DOCUMENT_TOTAL will be replaced by total amount
COMPANY_NAME will be replaced by your company name
USER_NAME will be replaced by your name
DOCUMENT_TITLE will be replaced by document title (available only for orders)
The default language is English, but you can set the message message to be in Romanian, Spanish, Italian, French, German or Hungarian.
Don’t forget to save your settings.
23.d Configure message for late payments
This message is sent to the customer when the due date has passed.
Navigate to "Notification settings" to customize this message.
Use the following markers which will be automatically replaced with their corresponding values:
INVOICE_DATE will be replaced by invoice date
INVOICE_NUMBER will be replaced by invoice number
TOTAL_AMOUNT and DOCUMENT_TOTAL will be replaced by total amount
COMPANY_NAME will be replaced by your company name
USER_NAME will be replaced by your name
DOCUMENT_TITLE will be replaced by document title (available only for orders)
The default language is English, but you can set the message to be in Romanian, Spanish, Italian, French, German or Hungarian.
Don’t forget to save your settings
24. How to generate a full data export
Navigate to "Company profile" or "User profile" click on " subscription", Here you will find the button "Export data".
Clicking on it will open a window with information about:
full export of the data associated with your account
the format in which they will be exported
the email address where the export will be sent
After you have read the information carefully all you have to do is confirm by clicking Confirm. If you change your mind click Cancel.
25. How to delete your account
You can always delete your account at and delete the data associated with it.
Navigate to "Company Profile" or "User Profile" click on " subscription" and click on "Delete account".
A window will open with informations about deleting all the data associated with your account. In order to avoid and prevent misunderstandings or attempted fraud, an authorized person needs to confirm your request.
After you have read the information carefully all you have to do is confirm by clicking Confirm. If you change your mind click on Cancel.
26. How to cancel your account
You can cancel your account any time.
Navigate to "Company Profile" or "User Profile" click on " subscription" and click on "Cancel account".
A window will open with informations about closing your account. Your account will be deactivated, but the data associated with it will not be deleted. An authorized person can request the activation of the account any time.
After you have read the information carefully, confirm your choice by clicking Confirm. If you change your mind, click on Cancel.
27. How to generate special reports
Navigate to "Others" and go to the section "Reports". Now, choose the period for which you want the report.
The special reports fall into two categories:
Client reports
- Customer statistics and indicators (metrics)
- Distribution of customers by activity areas (CAEN codes)
- Distribution of customers by turnover
- Distribution of customers according to the number of employees
Total Billing and Revenue Evolution Reports (CASHFLOW)
- The report includes invoiced, collected and overdue payments grouped by months and years.
Once you have selected the period, click on Download, the report will be downloaded in Excel format (.xlsx).
28. How to generate invoices and proforma invoices reports
Navigate to Invoices or Proforma Invoices depending on the report you want.
Filter your documents by using the criteria on the left column:
Payment date
Due date
Numbering Sequence
You can also filter the documents by:
Numbering Sequence
After filtering your documents you can export the results by clicking Export on the top right.
The formats in which you can download the report are:
29. How to generate notices and receipts reports
Navigate to Notices or Receipts
Filter your documents by using the criteria on the left column:
Numbering Scheme
You can also filter the results by:
Numbering Scheme
After generating the report you can send the documents by e-mail or export them.
The formats in which you can download the report are:
30. How to change document colors
Navigate to "Settings", and select Colors & Fonts from the submenu.
You can change colors for:
Body of the documents
Table margins
Even rows
Odd rows
Each field contains a color code expressed in hexadecimal. When you click on the box, a color picker will appear. You can use it to choose your color or you can manually enter a color code in hex.
31. How to change document fonts
The font type can be changed for:
Invoice date
Table content
The font size can be changed for:
Table content (VAT invoices, proformas, notices)
Table content of VAT invoices
Table head (VAT invoices, proformas, notices)
Table head on VAT invoices
Customer, supplier, billing, other information
Large texts
Medium texts
Small texts
On the same page there is an invoice sample where you can see your changes live.
Don’t forget to save your changes.
32. How to import lines from documents in an invoice
You can import lines from documents into your invoice when editing it. To perform this import it is necessary to prepare a file in advance with the desired lines.
Click on "Import positions" and a window will open with the "Choose file". After you choose the file from your device, click on "Upload file".
After the file has been uploaded, a table will open, containing several boxes for associating the columns of the import file with the lines in the line list of the displayed invoice.
Select the meaning of the data in the column using the selectors in the table header. Next to the first column, check the boxes that you want to be imported into the invoice. After you have made the desired pairings, click on "Import selected lines".
33. How to import clients
You can import a list of your clients directly from your computer / device. This feature is designed to save you time.
Navigate to "Clients" and click "Import".
To perform this import it is necessary to prepare in advance a file with the list of clients. Click on "Choose file", and then "Upload file".
Only the following formats are supported: XLSX, XLSM, ODS, CSV, XLS, XLM. Click on "Choose file", and then "Upload file".
34. How to import products
You can import a list of products from your computer/device.
Navigate to "Products", and click "Import".
To perform this import it is necessary to prepare in advance a file with the list of products. You can use the template found in the “Import” section. Click on "Choose file" and then "Upload file". Only the following formats are supported: XLSX, XLSM, ODS, CSV, XLS, XLM.
35. Document Layout settings
You can exclude certain information from the invoice. From "Settings", then "Documents layout" you can select or deselect the fields that will appear on the invoice.
The fields refer to:
Registration number at the Commerce Registry
Tax identification code
The capital of the company
Web address
Bank accounts
Branch offices
Navigate to "Settings", then "Documents layout". Here you will find the table for both Seller and Buyer. Move the fields with the arrows (yellow buttons), or drag and drop and then save.
In addition to the already available field options, you can add any text you want, a slogan, a logo, etc., in the box available immediately below the table. Click the "+", and your entry will appear in the selection table.
If you don’t make any changes, the default data will appear on the invoice
36. How to delete all lines from your invoice
Another function that makes your activity more efficient is deleting all the lines in your invoice. "X" - above the billing lines, deletes all lines (positions).
37. User interface layout settings
We offer you two layout options:
Standard (default one)
Simplified control panel (without charts, logs and statistics)
Navigate to "My account", then "Interface settings" and from "UI layout" set the desired option. Save by clicking "Change user".
The simplified control panel 'hides' recent activity, evolution charts and the situation of the last three months.
38. How to choose an user interface theme
We offer you the option to choose from several interface themes.
Navigate to "My account", then "Interface settings" and from "User interface theme" set the desired option.
We offer you the possibility to choose from the following topics:
Compact (compact / cramped display)
Minimal (which includes the minimum required)
Retro (old design of the application)
Save the information by clicking "Modify user".
39. How to set the language for your user interface
Navigate to "Company profile", then "Interface settings" and from "Language of the user interface" you can select another language. The default language is English.
Save the information by clicking "Modifiy user".
40. How to add footnotes to your documents
Navigate to "Settings" then "Document Layout" and check the box "Show footer", then select the desired fields. You can also set "Number of columns" (up to six) that you want to appear in the footer of your documents.
For example, if you select Company name, Tax ID, Address, Telephone, Company e-mail address and Site, these will appear at the bottom of the invoice on one, two or how many columns you selected
41. Advanced settings for document delivery via e-mail
Our application allows you to further customize your account via "Advanced settings for sending documents by email" and "Set up your own email server for sending documents by email".
41.a How to customize e-mail fields
Navigate to "Settings" then "White label".
Here you can set the sender's name and subject prefix when you send a document via email. For example, if you set COMPANY_NAME, it will be replaced with your business name.
41.b How to use your own e-mail server
Navigate to "Settings" then "White label"
Check the box “Use your own e-mail server” and fill in the fields.
Fields marked with * are mandatory.
Click “Save” and a text will appear to simplify the testing of the address and the SMTP server.