How do I add a new client?
You have two options: either from the ‘Clients’ menu or directly from the page where you create a new document (invoice, proforma, receipt or notice).
1. Enter a new client from the ‘Clients’ menu:
– Click ‘Clients’ from the main horizontal menu.
– Click the ‘+ Add a client’ button

– fill in the data and do not forget to save.

Or simply click on 'Add' then select 'Client'

*Plus value:* after you gave completed the UID, click on the next field and some of the client details will automatically complete from the Tax Payers data base.
2. **Enter a new client from the page where you create a new document (take as example an invoice):
– Click ‘+ Add’ and then ‘Invoice’.
– Click ‘+ add new client’ button;
– Fill in the client data and remember to save (as in the picture above).

Alternatively, find out here how to import a clients list from your computer.