What are you invoicing today?

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What are the invoice states?

If you enter to ‘Invoices’ menu you can see all the invoices you have created since you signed up Invoices can have 4 states:

– draft (when you are still working on it and you’re not ready to issue it)

– issued (when you’ve verified it and everything is correct and you’re ready to sent it by email or fax to the client)

– closed (after you have registered the payment or you have reversed the invoice)

– cancelled

In the image below you can see such a list of invoices. There is an icon for each one that defines the state:

What are the invoice states? - step 1

To open an invoice from the list above, click on its number. Now you can see the details, modify it, send it to the client or  print it.

Click on details to view the invoice. Among other things, from here, you can:

– find out if the invoice is due

– see an invoice history (when it was created, modified, issued, and by whom; when it was sent to the client)

– change its state: add a payment (with or without receipt), cancel, edit, delete, add a receipt, collect debit, or pay online.

What are the invoice states? - step 2


– we do not advise you to delete an invoice if you have already issued another in the meantime (you will create a serial discontinuity): you can cancel or reverse it (consult the accountant first!)

-we do not advise you to modify an invoice after you have sent it to the client

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