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How do I add invoice numbering schemes?

You can not issue any document (invoice, proforma, receipt, notice) without defining a numbering scheme. Find out here what a document numbering scheme is. To define new numbering schemes of invoices follow the steps (also applicable to receipts, proformas and notices):

**1. Click on 'Configurations'

How do I add an invoice numbering scheme? - step 1

2. Click on ‘+Add new invoice numbering scheme’ button.

How do I add an invoice numbering scheme? - step 2

3. Choose the type of document for which you want a new numbering scheme (invoices, proformas, receipts or notes) and then fill in the fields as in the image below. To save the numbering scheme, click ‘Add new numbering scheme for invoices’.

How do I add an invoice numbering scheme? - step 3

4. You can add a numbering scheme directly from the document editing page.

How do I add an invoice numbering scheme? - step 4

5. Ready, you can now issue a document with the newly defined numbering scheme or choosing from a numbering schemes list if you have defined more, as explained above.

How do I add an invoice numbering scheme? - step 5

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