How do I define an invoice for a recurrent?
After you have added a new recurrent to be able to issue recurrent invoices, you first need to define an invoice model for that recurrent. Let’s take an example of a hosting service recurrent (hosting site):
– At ‘Name’ I have written the name of the recurrent and the variable HOSTING (both defined at the previous step, when we have created the recurrent.)
– At the Unit Measure we put ‘month’.
– At the quantity we put 3 (the same number of months that we specified when we created the recurrent.)
– As a standard price recurrent, at the ‘unit price’ we put 30 EURO.
(If you choose a recurrent with a variable price, the price of the first line item in the invoice model will be ignored and will be overwritten with the value of the variable PRICE_1)
– You can also add discounts, expedition data, etc. as for any other invoice (learn more about how to add an invoice).
– At ‘Lower annotation’ we used CONTRACT, variable, so that for each subscriber the corresponding contract number will be passed to the invoice.
– Save invoice template.

Now you can go to the next step, which is how to add subscribers.